Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Halloween

Being in New Zealand, the holiday catered for goths [I use the term loosely, least my goth friends see this] and the overly [if secretly] theatrical alike [and not always mutually exclusive] i.e. Halloween as far as I've experienced it, has never really been enthusiastically 'celebrated' [beyond those with said character anomalies.]
However, this year came a culmination of several events amongst my circle of friends [i mean drinking buddies] in both personal and work respects, which brought us all together with reasons, both positive and negative, to crash the weekend into a ditch and leave it there bleeding.
I went dressed as Admiral No Beard from Swashbuckle [despite looking more like a mix of commodore redrum and bootsman collins] or in other words, a pirate... the usual messy, memory loss inducing night on Saturday followed, leading to a group of us waking up in the car at a beach on the other side of Auckland [turns out our sober driver's girlfriend lives up the road from this beach] a flash cafe cooked breakfast later and we eventually made it back home for ghostbusters on the telly.

It's nothing really to do with metal [other than the fact- it was what we had blasting at all opportunities], but was a particularly awesome weekend that I wished happened more often.

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