Wednesday, December 29, 2010

holiday metal shows

Our posts about local radio shows seem to get a good number of views, and here's me thinking that scouring the web for free legit song downloads was the way to go...

So, despite the fact you can just google it and find it out in 2 seconds:

The Rock fm's The Axe Attack: last show for 2010 last Sunday, and will be returning to the airwaves Jan 23rd 2011.

95bfm's Hard fast & heavy show, Planet fm's Hardcore.hard seems not to be taking a break.

Can't tell shit from the kiwi fm kiwi metal bar, the station website doesn't have a page for them and there's just a generic holiday message on their facebook.
Metal ad is apparently returning to the airwaves with a new name, format, style etc in 2011, but to be honest I'm quite disappointed with these guys. When I first saw all the buzz about it on the interwebs and all the hype they pumped out, and all the potential I envisaged for them. But, in the end they only aired a handful of shows before disappearing. They should sort their shit out, and on their return: stick to it, otherwise f...-off.

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